Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé!

Though I am nearly a month late to celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau (it's the third Thursday in November), last night I took a little time to relax and crack open the 2008 Georges Duboeuf.

I've been slightly disappointed with the past 3-4 Beaujolais Nouveau vintages, each falling flat for various reasons. That said, you have to be careful not to over criticize this wine, because it's a young wine that is made fast to drink. It's under 20 bucks and has nothing to do with the red wines you're probably accustomed to criticizing. Can you believe Beaujolais Nouveau is still grapes on the vine just weeks before it's bottled and available worldwide?

I love that it's made in the spirit of having fun and being light. It's typically a fruity, light red wine that is served cold, making it easier for everyone to enjoy. You don't have to fret about room temperature guidelines, but pop it in the fridge until you want to drink it. If you don't like reds, don't dispair, it's not aged and doesn't have a tannin finish like traditional red wines. If you want to get into reds, this is a perfect transitional piece.

This year's vintage is pretty great. It's fun, not too fruity and is good alone or with food. I'll be serving it up for the holidays as it begs to be shared and celebrated by all.

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