Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Go ahead, tell me it's not good enough...

Had a grueling day at work which contained a number of horrific meetings today. I would think that ordinarily, I'd disconnect from the conference call, fill up my cup of coffee, lean over my laptop and just cry (in the privacy of my home office, btw). But not today.

Yes, I was upset and had the urge to act out, but when I got my face all worked up to emit a few tears, nothing came out. Sort of like dry heaving after a rough night out. It took me a moment to interpret what it really meant. Now that I think of it, I haven't gotten emotionally upset over work for a good long while. Goodness, am I already that unaffected?

Upon realizing that I've wept enough precious tears over suckass work and could no longer excrete little droplets of salt water for a worthless cause, I shrugged, thought, "Aww screw it!" and moved on. It was that simple. What can I say? I'm a hardened woman now people, insults and fiasco's simply fail to affect me.

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