Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TMI, but who cares...

My mirror confirmed that it hasn't fallen off, but I can't feel my butt. Or maybe I can and it's just so completely sore. More sore than my thighs which makes me look like a 90 year old woman when I find myself trying to stand up in slow motion and holding on to something.

Here's hoping this pain will all be worth my goal of looking great in time for Summer. Ordinarily I'd say boot camp is for the birds, but I'm quite grateful to my friend Melissa for inviting me to this Code Pink Boot Camp in Westminster. It's kicking all of our butts right now, but I am completely hopeful that we'll finish and fit into some awesome skinny jeans afterward.

The only trick right now is to keep myself from passing out or puking during 5:30 am workouts. Other than that, I'm cool...

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