Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Fabulousness

Guess who's signing up for MAC Pro Master Classes in Denver and possibly SF? Me! Yay me! My sucky sucky week suddenly isn't so sucky at all. And omg, it's Friday. Just a few more hours of suckass work and I'll be free! I haven't made it to the MAC store in Boulder yet this week, but that's okay. I'm so inspired I've decided to endure the slushy roads to see what's new at MAC in Cherry Creek this weekend instead.

Now if I can find the free cycles to call Nordies and Neiman's to check on Spring trend events and get signed up, I will replenish my absolute love of being a girl. And on second thought, why the heck aren't these places already calling me? I'm that awesome chick that's always on the list... what gives?

In other news, I've been doing yoga and pilates this week and am totally sore. Mostly my gut is sore. Here's hoping it hurts enough to just fall the hell of already.

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