Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pardon the dust...

I am in the process of updating my blog design which is an unexpected solo venture. Ever since the bitch-ass Delicious Design Studio took my money and never produced a blog as promised, I have decided to just figure it out and tweak things myself. Lots of my widgets and data is missing at this point, so please be patient as I slowly rebuild.

That said, I'm still in love with the new L&D banner created by my good friend Randy Sanchez. It's the basis for my new design and I'm excited to build around it. Plus, I'll be adding a new vlogging section in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.

P.S. If you have any design feedback or if there's something you'd like to see, I'd love to hear from you. Pop me a note or leave a comment. :)


  1. Love the Banner! Looks awesome... There are many free on-line backgrounds and blog templates, I would just google search it... Thats what I used anyway @ http://saltofeathlightofworld.blogspot.com/
    Happy Blogging! :)


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