Monday, January 11, 2010

Dear Self...

Please remember on hectic, maddening days like today to give yourself a break. You don't have to be the toughest, smartest person holding all of the answers to everyone's urgent dilemmas. You are MORE than what you do and there is MORE to you than who you're with. Stop allowing everyone else's moods to have such a profound effect on your own mood and the rest of your day. Be mindful that people will always gripe, complain, disagree and be annoyed. Seal off your emotions to all of that noisy anger.

Don't be discouraged by not wanting to call someone else to rant. You're right, your friends don't want to hear the drama-ridden details about your crappy day. Or your mom.

Ok Self, here's what you do. First, stand up and walk away from the phone and computer. Take a deep breath. Remember who you are and how super great your life really is. Think of the great people who surround you, think of the goals you're already working towards and acknowledge life's ebb and flow. Will any of this matter a year from now? Probably not. Just take a chill and let it pass...

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