Monday, January 19, 2009

Nerds know no bounds...

Conversational Snippets: Friday to now.

Granola Nerd Rationale,
"I don't see what the big deal is. Architects are just pillow throwing Engineers."

Cisco Lab Cop Out
Me to my Nerds: GUIs are for girls. Ohhh, see that? ASDM is sooo pretty. I don't trust it for shit, but it's nice to look at.

Uber Nerd typing super fast on a console screen

Me: Stop going so fast, I can't keep up with you. Take it easy, wait for me!
Nerd Gone Wild: Look at him go, he puts the man in command line.

In the Nerd Aisle at work (Yes, I sit there too.)
SAN Nerd: All the tech in my house is under four years old.
Me: Wow, I'm not even close to that. I still have a TV with a tube.
SAN Nerd: Yep, new LCD HDTV, HD DVR, new 22 inch wide screen monitor, iPhone, everything.
Me: Dude, you are such a tech Diva. All elitist and discriminating...
SAN Nerd: Pretty much. My stuff is the best.
Me: Oh look, it's Marie Antoinette of Widgets! Unbelievable... You never change.
SAN Nerd: Now I just need to find a job where I don't have to wear any pants.

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