Friday, January 09, 2009

Damn the fine print...

It has occurred to me that my life is a series of day to day emergencies, deadlines and appointments all rolled up into a big cluster-mess of constant overload.

In between meetings yesterday, I picked up my daughter from preschool. We dropped by Wal-Mart to get snacks and a Thomas the Train DVD for the boy. To reward myself for keeping up with all the craziness, I picked up a box of yummy blueberry yogurt.

So today before coffee, before advil, before anything, I opened the fridge, anxious to relish some blueberry goodness. I've worked hard all week and haven't had so much as a glass of wine as a release. I was saving it up... for this.

Low and behold, I crack open the pretty blue box. I get a spoon and tear off the foil lid. "What's this?" I wonder as I look into the cup of yogurt and then check the others in the box. Strawberry and peach, but no goddamned blueberry. Surely, the blueberry cups are in the RED box where it makes zero sense as there aren't pictures of blueberries on the freaking red box.

Not sure why I can't let this go, it's not a life changer or anything. In all my hectic running around, I just need to take time to read the labels and fine print.

On to coffee and advil, I suppose. :)

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