Wednesday, July 02, 2008

An Annual Review: 2008 State of "My Life Thus Far" Address...

In keeping with a tradition that has spanned more than a decade, on July 1st I carved out some time to write in my non-blog journal (it's the one I only write in once a year) and give a balls-out honest assessment of how I think I'm doing in my life.

This year's review was written as I was getting a pedicure at the spa. I read entries from previous years and laughed out loud at how I always seem to struggle with the same issues regardless of age.

Am I happy with my job? Will I find another one? Am I fat? Am I happy in my relationships with others? Is this where I'm supposed to be at age xx? Am I successful enough? Am I challenging myself enough? Am I smart/healthy/pretty/dramatic/motherly enough? Am I doing all of the things that I've always wanted to do? What is the next big thing?

This year though, I felt a shift. Some of the things I've obsessed about for years just aren't as important to me anymore. It suddenly isn't important to post all of the dramatic details of where I think I'm at and the areas where I think I can improve.

Instead, I would challenge everyone to take stock of their own lives. Don't measure yourself against anyone else, just you and your own level best. If you find areas to improve, consider a little lifestyle re-design. Do what it takes to get out and live your life, to make the absolute best of it. I've started making "the list" of things I want to do in my life (more on that later). While I didn't sit and write out the list of 100 things, I'm capturing about 5 at a time. That, and I intend to do at least one thing (big or small) that makes me happy every single day. It could be simple, you should try it. (Thanks to Mighty Girl for the inspiration)

I want to gobble a box of blueberries on the porch with the kids. I want a dedicated family day each week to look forward to. I want good wine, great company, humor and humbleness to be my constant companions. We all deserve to be happy. We deserve to be free.

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