Thursday, January 24, 2008

Keep em coming...

The over-the-counter drugs, that is. Some guy in my class is super sick (he said he caught something from the airport) and is now infecting the entire class with the viral plague. The nerds are quick to try and counter any illness with chemicals, as expected. Airborne, Advil Flu and Sinus, Muconex and Tylenol are the drugs of choice here. Oh yeah, and Xanax on test days. Oh yeah, and drinks afterward.

Nerd 1: Hey, what's that you're taking?
Nerd 2: Stuff for Cold, Sinus and Coughing.
Nerd 1: Can I have some?
Nerd 2: Yeah, take these, oh and some of these. Dude, I don't even dilute the Airborne, I just swallow it like a pill. Hey you over there, I heard you coughing, do you want some?
Nerd 3: Who me? No, no thank you.
Nerd 1: I'll leave these here for you, Heath, just in case.
Nerd 3: Ha, that's my style. I want to be naked when I die. Hell, I'll be in a hospital bed with 30 seconds left to live and I'll be like, "There's still enough time to get naked. Miss, can you help me with my pants?"

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