Friday, April 22, 2005

Jeezy Creezy!

I just finished my first professional photo shoot where I was the sole subject. I started off fully dressed in my daily work attire, then progressed to a black dress I bought from Paris, then to a custom made black satin corset. I'm still in total shock about the whole experience.

I took April along for the ride, as well as my trusty ipod. We started off in color and ended with black and white. From the start, I insisted that I wouldn't disrobe entirely. But then Madonna sang "Erotica" while I was tied to a stripper pole with black ribbon. Stormy posed me shot after shot like a goddess draped in black. BT threw down "Godspeed" while I pose for shots only Alan and the photographer would see. Then my hair was coiffed and makeup primped for black and white.

People peeked in and asked if they could sit and watch the rest of the shoot. I haven't felt this freakin' hot in such a long time. Robert Smith cried out about "Fascination Street" while I posed with a glass of merlot and a Cuban cigar. And I'll be damned if that evil eyebrow didn't make an appearance too.

Not sure how I feel about signing the release form to be featured on the website and in the studio, but I am glad to have had the opportunity to be completely liberated and at last feel as though I really couldn't give a damn.

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