Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Another rough day at work

It's exhausting sitting at a desk all day long. Infact, it's all a couple of girls can do stay focused and energized for 8.5 hours a day. So, to stay in shape, to stay fashionable and to stay fun, Becky and I once again managed to save ourselves from the perils of being workaholics.

Scenario: Two girls sitting before our desktops drinking coffee, eating kettlecorn and listening to the itunes secret agent radio station trying to distract ourselves from the work dashboard and avoiding carpal tunnel. Here's what we're up to:

We plan to make cupcakes like these ones.
We want to borrow or steal fashionable designer handbags like this with a Diva Membership from here.
We rested our bodies and souls with desktop yoga.
And last but not least we did some chandelier shopping to adorn our closets with these.

Yeah, we're some super busy girls on the go. Now get outta our way, it's time to go home!

BTW, The secret agent itunes station is a very cool compilation of spy electronica for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life. You should go download itunes here.

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