Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The business of love is always an interesting one.

Even as a freelance makeup artist who does weddings, I see brides who shine and radiate all the time. You know when they're in love. And you know when they're not. I recently saw a bride who didn't smile the entire time... which is odd because everyone I've made up smiles at the finished, beautiful product and is super confident to be walking down the aisle. But not this time.

Her: I don't know if I'm really ready to do this.
Me: Of course you are. Aren't you? Maybe you're spending too much time inside your head. Maybe you've got jitters.
Her: Maybe. How do you really know if he's the one?
Me: Well they say every woman has one guy she's glad she's over, one she wonders about, and has one she can't live without. The latter is usually the one she's with.
Her: Well there's definitely one I wonder about...
Me: Go on.
Her: Well it's the fireman. He was good to me. I like him. We even had good sex. But I think maybe something was missing. I honestly believe I could have ended up with him and be in a better financial position than I am in now.
Me: No kidding?
Her: It's true. He would give me anything I wanted. I suppose I would learn to love him, eventually. But something would always be missing. I dunno. I told my husband-to-be that if I were ever homeless, I'd still be happy as long as we were both homeless together. And I mean it. We just love each other that much. Yep. Yeah. That's it!

Note to self. In these instances I just need to hush up and keep applying waterproof mascara. Let the maid of honor sort out the last-minute compatibility drama.

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