Monday, October 03, 2011

Monday's Inspiration: Dark Girls, Daughters and Having Killer Taste...

Well hello there dear readers! My apologies for the radio silence as of late. It seems that throwing yourself at work, travel, kid sports, homework and the like isn't entirely conducive to regular posts. Boo. I'm really working on posting more often... gaaaa, there's so much to tell. 

In other news, I came across some infectious video gems that you really need to watch! These clips aren't like the cute kitty clips or snippets of the Monday night TV line up. Instead, you'll watch these and be inspired to go out and change things. Serious and real intangible things. If you find yourself affecting some really cool change out there somewhere, I'd love to hear about it!

So here you are friends, three things you should let your brain absorb.

1. Dark Girls Documentary - A very important, very relevant topic indeed. I'm not kidding, this documentary could easily span several ethnicities. If you want to help move this project forward, you can donate to it here.

Dark Girls: Preview from Bradinn French on Vimeo.

2. If I should have a Daughter by Sarah Kay for TED. Kay's poetry is vivid, fast and clever. My favorite line, "Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air." Hell yeah, those are the words of a survivor!

3. Ira Glass on the Creative Process
This is a nourishing little snippet for all of us creative types (even the wanna-be types like me). It's the recurring theme of my life, but you really must work hard and continue to pick yourself back up to get where you want to be. My husband quotes Tim Tebow all the time with, "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

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