Wednesday, March 09, 2011

So This Is Love...

 Dear readers, please don't mistake the nature of this post. It's not aimed at being a judgmental jerkface, it's a mere peek into of one man's difficult journey to find a nice girl. Anywhere he can find her, it turns out.

(Scenario: A discussion with V over beers and popcorn at a basketball game. Her friend Max is handsome, young, and an ultra conservative auditor by trade.)

V: So I'm texting and Max says to tell you hello.
Me: Aw that's so nice. What is he up to? Did he finally meet a nice girl?
V: Well yes, he kind of did. Definitely dating someone.
Me: Finally, that's fantastic! What is she like? A beautiful, smart girl, I bet.
V: Um, I dunno. Haven't had a chance to meet her just yet.
Me: Well why not? Is he embarrassed of his friends?
V: No that's not it. It's just that she's in jail for a little while.
Me: Jail? Like jail for traffic tickets and overdue library books?
V: Uh, no. Like prison, actually. For drugs.
(Our conversation falls silent and we exchange awkward stares.)
Me: Prison and drugs.
V: Yes. He fully intends to have a long conversation with her about all that when she gets out, however...

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