Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bubblegoose and Rick James, Bitch...

Odd as it sounds, those are some of the fun things that are putting a smile on my face today, amidst the fact that work forever sucks ass and my body has been refusing to perform at 100% lately. What the hell does Rick James have to do with a Bubble Goose? Um nothing.

Got to see him and the lovely Megan when they suddenly called up for my bday and were even in town! Even though I almost always see Bubblegoose on my bday I'm always so blown away by it, I wish he didn't always live so far away. On Megan's suggestion, we went to this awesome place for lunch called Tipsys - think big honkin' liquor store the size of walmart with a wine bar restaurant on one side, a huge tasting area in the center and a deli on the other end. I had some great wine conversation with their house sommellier Kim. I came away with some killer Cali wines that were sooooo awesome, I didn't even mind the monster alcohol bill. I'll have to ask Megan and BG how their absinthe experiment turned out and if they ever made it to that awesome tequila bar downtown before making the trek back to Arizona.

Hold My Drink, Bitch:
I'm friends with a cool-ass nerd named Rizzo who isn't really one of my nerds, but we get along super well. We typically have drinks and get tore up about once every six months, but we talk and IM just about everyday. Riz said he senses that we're great friends because he feels comfortable talking to me about things like poop and farting. Really, I'm honored. This week however, he introduced me to the Dave Chapelle Show episodes where Dave does the spoof on Rick James with Charlie Murphy. Holy shit, I've never laughed harder in my whole life. After a little more searching, I decided I like the Charlie Murphy episode with Prince even more... it's so completely probable and funny as all get out. Prince is such a hot-ass fag.

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