Friday, March 11, 2005

Faites du mieux que vous pouvez mes garcons...

Or, do the best you can, my boys...

I'm happy, but I'm sad. Happy to see my dearest friends finally get a good career break, but I'm sad that their opportunity took them far away to California for months at a time. It's good, and it's bad. It's good for them developmentally, and it's bad because we all risk missing the NIN concert.

Speaking from sole experience, they're going to miss a lot. When you travel lengthily, it seems that segments from your life go missing. You lose time. You will miss Chloe and Noah's birthdays (Chloe better at least get a birthday call from her crazy Uncles), no St. Patty's weekend, no Vinyl Tuesdays, no drive at 5, and maybe no NIN.

Speaking from experience, they're going to have a great time. When you travel a lot, you get great exposure. You meet new people, you learn lots of things. Just make me proud, you boys.

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